Even though I whined incessantly before Christmas, when it was all over and I'd had a week or so to calm down, I realized that I, personally, got some really good stuff this year. Did I buy it for myself - of course I did! But that's okay, I've totally come to terms with that.
Several of my friends (bless them) approached my non-gift-buying husband and asked him if he would like some help in getting me a gift this year. And he, not so politely, turned them all down. All my friends feel sorry for me because my - otherwise wonderful - husband never buys me anything for Christmas (or birthday, or Valentines, etc., etc.). Well, I have to take that back - last year he bought himself a very lovely car battery charger, had the gal at the parts store gift wrap it for him, put my name on it and put it under the tree - so saying that he doesn't ever buy me anything for Christmas is technically untrue.
I used to be bothered by this, but I really have gotten past it by now. I've decided that I'd rather get exactly what I want than have him waste money on something I will never use - because, lets face it, he has no bleedin' clue what I want, never goes shopping, and definitely can't take a hint.
So this year, I found a really nice treadmill on Craigslist for myself. My honey did come with me to heft it into the truck, and he didn't complain at all about the price. Go him.
And Merry Christmas to me.
I love it, and I set up my old computer to watch movies while I walk/shuffle/jog every morning. I've been wanting one for years, so it's great to finally have it, and it's a really nice one too.
The other very cool thing I got myself are these:
CANVAS PRINTS of my own kids. I love them! I found them accidentally when shopping for other stuff. They were on sale, plus a 20% off coupon, plus free shipping and I just couldn't resist. I had to rush and pick out the photos as I only had a couple of hours to order them and get that price. I'm kind of sorry I picked that horizontal one of Luke, I should have probably picked one more like the vertical portraits of the other two. But I still love them and it's fun to finally have some nice enlargements of my own kiddos hanging in my front room. You'd think that with all the photos I take, I would have done something like this long before now, but no.
So Merry Christmas to me again. I actually wrapped them all up in their huge boxes and hauled them up to my mom's house - mainly because I wanted to show them off to my family. And I finally got them hung today - very fun.
Unlock Explosive Growth: 3 Easy Questions
My mother-in-law is Chinese, and obsessed with her children. I joke that if
she could bronze JD, she’d place his statue on her mantle and shine it
3 days ago
Ann I Love those pictures of your kids. They are absolutely great. My favorite is of Brynn. She is a cutie.
The treadmill looks fun too. Enjoy it.
Hey! That looks great with the "Count your blessings" :) Very Very cute! :) I need to get me some of those. :)
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