This is the color of the Sky in my backyard.
In't she cuuuute?!
This is Miss Sky.
She's one. She's not mine, at least she's not actually mine, but her fuzzy little spotted butt is MINE for a few weeks. Let's just call it "Ann boot camp for heathen baby horses."
She's much less of a heathen than she was 2 weeks ago. Actually, she's one of the smartest horses I've ever met and I'm havin' lots of fun with her. Probably more fun than she's having with me.
But when your Mama is still nursing you at 18 months old, it's all down hill from there.
Poor kid.
She's super brave - which is sort of the good news and the bad news. She's so brave that I saddled her the other day and it was a total non event - which is great......the bad news is, she's so brave that she thinks she ought to be able to be able to be the boss of anyone and everyone she meets - and in horse world "being the boss of" translates to "kicking, biting and charging over the top of."
But all that is coming to an end. She's transforming into a horse who's every bit as sweet as she looks like she ought to be. And I'm sure she's much happier with structure and boundries in her life.
Right? Right.
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My mother-in-law is Chinese, and obsessed with her children. I joke that if
she could bronze JD, she’d place his statue on her mantle and shine it
3 days ago
Boundaries, exactly what horses and kids need. Hey, you could just put the kids out in the horse corral, and train them all at the same time right? That would be ok wouldn't it?
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