I got to go to SEP conferences at school today - what used to be called "parent teacher conferences" - now they're Student Educator Parent conferences. (I don't think the student used to be involved.) I got good reports from all my kid's teachers, which was very nice.
Jaxon has an extremely high words per minute reading score. He's also doing well in his other subjects and has been teaching his teacher about Greek and Roman mythology. Whenever she doesn't know how to pronounce a name or something, he's right there to help her out. (And she's a real good sport about it.)
Luke's first grade teacher has 25 years experience and is the perfect teacher for him. She understands that little 6 year olds sometimes need a hug. She makes learning fun and she made a big fuss over him and how smart he is. I wish I'd had my camera to record the trying-to-be-grownup/slightly embarrassed/very pleased look on his face as his teacher was telling me how well he's doing and what a good student he is. I just wanted to freeze him in that moment forever. (I've actually been wanting to freeze him for years.)
Brynn has been struggling a little in 4th grade. She's such a smarty pants and is a fantastic reader and speller, but she hates HATES math, even though she's really not that bad at it. I'm afraid she got that from me. She really has a hard time keeping her mind on math. When her teacher sees her daydreaming, she tells her she must be thinking about her boyfriend. Well the truth came out in SEP conference today. She said, "I'm not thinking about my boyfriend, I'm thinking about horses!"She's got it bad for horses. She also gets that from me.
And her eyes - I never liked them on myself, but I really love them on her. Although I'm not sure my eyelashes were ever quite this good.Maybe if math were only taught in horse related story problems we'd be okay. **Sigh**
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My mother-in-law is Chinese, and obsessed with her children. I joke that if
she could bronze JD, she’d place his statue on her mantle and shine it
3 days ago
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