I'm going to get back to the sweet, sweet babies tomorrow, but my ovaries need a break, so I had to change things up a little.
My beloved Pioneer Woman was nominated for 5 Bloggie awards and the winners were announced on Tuesday. She won three catagories (no other blog won more than a single award) including best overall, best design and best photography. One that she didn't win was funniest blog, and because I didn't believe there was such a thing on the planet as a funnier blog than her's, I had to check it out. It's called I Can Has Cheezburger.
Here are a few sample LOLz from their blog:
And since I'm a closet Gerard Butler/Phantom fan:
(click on the picture to enlarge the fine print)And here's a couple for dog people:
And my definite favorite.....
So although I still think PW is funnier by far, I guess I can see the appeal. Yea, I guess so.
Unlock Explosive Growth: 3 Easy Questions
My mother-in-law is Chinese, and obsessed with her children. I joke that if
she could bronze JD, she’d place his statue on her mantle and shine it
3 days ago
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