I've decided that I've got A LOT of beautiful friends. In fact, every one of my friends is lovely inside and out. This realization restores my faith in humankind. At least for a few minutes.
Anyway .....
I was editing more baby photos tonight and especially fell in love with this one of Jenna and her new little Allison. (And yes, those are her REAL eyes with no Photoshop color enhancement, or contacts or anything. Sickening, I know.)
But the feel of this photo instantly reminded me of the Liz Lemon Swindle painting, "Mary's Heart".
The first time I ever saw this painting, I had just had a new baby of my own, and was feeling overwhelmed with love for her. The painting affected me very strongly and I immediately teared up. And I realized that Mary loved her baby just the same way, and just as intensely as I loved mine.
It was a cool moment, an epiphany even. My friend Jenna, and all my friends who are mothers, are just as dedicated and selfless and fierce in their care for their newborns as Mary was. Cool realization, huh. I thought so.
And here's another sneaky peak of Allison........Because she's just so nice to look at.
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My mother-in-law is Chinese, and obsessed with her children. I joke that if
she could bronze JD, she’d place his statue on her mantle and shine it
3 days ago
Thank you Ann... :) This was a great post. I've had that thought before too... That Mary loved her baby just like I do mine... Its a wonderful realization. And thank you for the nice compliments... You're such a great friend! We love you!! :)
Sorry for another comment:) I went to high school with Jenna; she is just beautiful! Even while delivering, her pictures are just beautiful and she looks flawless. I love that one of her blue eyes!
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