When I sent the kids to school this morning, this was what I saw out my back door....
But that's okay, this is what I woke up to in my living room....(I slowed down my shutter speed to capture the warm, coziness emanating from the fire - cool, huh!)
The kids are always cold when they get out of bed and love to wake up to a fire, so their daddy, knowing how much they love it, has been getting up and building a fire every morning for us lately. What a good guy. There's just nothing as nice on a wintry day as waking up to a warm little wood burning stove.
Ours is the smallest fireplace insert they make, which is fine by me. It's just big enough to warm our little house and it's not so big that Marty can bake us out. Perfect.
It's one of the things I'm really grateful for - having my little stove, living in an area where good firewood is extremely plentiful and having a husband who likes to get wood and will build fires.
And snow.
Even though I'm going to have to go out in it in a few minutes to feed 4 horses and break the ice out of their trough, we need the moisture so I'm grateful for the snow.
Oh, and just for the record, I CAN build a fire too, but for some reason, Marty's are just better.
Unlock Explosive Growth: 3 Easy Questions
My mother-in-law is Chinese, and obsessed with her children. I joke that if
she could bronze JD, she’d place his statue on her mantle and shine it
3 days ago
That fire pic is so awesome. Really cool how the flames jump! I'm hoping to post my snow pics later today. We got dumped on!
I know why Marty's fires are better, it's cause you did not have to get up in the cold coldness to build it!
Just got to love those cold snowy mornings
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