Monday, February 14, 2011

Be Mine

Last week I took this photo of my live-in model. It's my big effort for Valentine's Day.

We're kinda boring and don't make too big a fuss about holidays around here, but my honey is really good at taking care of me everyday. He came home yesterday and gave me a very long hug and told me, in a heartfelt way, how much he loves and appreciates me and what a good woman I am. He tells me he loves me about 12 times a day. He folds most of the laundry. He chops wood, hauls hay and takes care of the cars, yard and fences. He fixes breakfast on Saturdays and gets the kids to school - while I sleep in - on Fridays. So most days feel like Valentines Day for me. I'm married to one of the most affectionate, demonstrative and helpful guys I know.

And he's cute, too.

Happy V-day everybody.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Cool Tidings

I have some fun news, but you'll have to head over to my photography blog to get it.

Click HERE to see one of my highs this week. 

Here's a hint:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Brynn and Her Bread

For the last few months, Brynn has been desperately wanting two things. Actually, she desperately wants dozens of things at any given time, but the last little while it seems like she has mostly been obsessed with baking a small loaf of bread and with appearing on my blog.

So a while back, we finally made her tiny loaf of bread and she immediately jumped on the fact that this could qualify as a blog entry and that we needed to take pictures. 

We inherited this little loaf pan from Marty's mother who died when he was 17. She was a great bread maker and had lots of nice old loaf pans which I commandeered from her kitchen soon after I got married. Any good bread maker knows that old vintage pans make the best bread.

I know how to make pretty good white bread, but I like to feed my family wheat bread, which I definitely can't make, so I don't usually make bread at all. So once a year or so when I do make it, my family thinks it's as good as cookies or something. And I usually have to give some of it away so we don't end up gorging ourselves on it.

And since we were already taking pictures, I whipped out my lovely macro lens and took a little bread detail. Yum, huh.

And for a few minutes anyway, my girl was satisfied.