Sunday, January 23, 2011

Playing Othello with Batman


My boy wants to be Batman
all the live long day
He has this nifty costume
and in it, he doth play

He runs outside
he leaps off stuff
he can even kinda glide
He has a really awesome cape
that sweeps out long and wide

And sometimes,
on the Day of Rest
(as you can plainly see)
we play our favorite board game.
My little bat and me.

~ 1/12/2011
 Ann Hepworth

Monday, January 10, 2011

Year in Review Slideshow - 2010

I did one of these last year and was glad I did.

I showed it to the fam tonight and they loved it - "Let's watch it again!"  Kids so love to see themselves in pictures. I wonder.... at what point in life does that change? 13? 15? 33?

Thanks to all our friends and family who helped to make 2010 a really great year for us. We love you!

(And thanks to Molly and _______ (prefers to remain nameless) for some of the photos.)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011: so far - - LAZY

If I had to use one word to describe my 2010 it would be:


It's good to be busy, but last year was a little much. It culminated in the busiest fall season of my photographic career (such as that is) and then a crazy-as-usual Christmas Season. So last week? The kids were out of school, it seriously snowed and was colder than it's ever been before. And what did I do?


Well, relatively nuthin'. I cooked some meals, fed 6 horses, broke their ice, did laundry, did dishes, put away Christmas, moved furniture, played games with the kids, cleaned the bathroom, vacuumed, swept, cleaned the kitchen, went to work, took the kids to two movies, went to a wedding, did some young women projects, babysat Emily's new baby, hung out with Marty for a change, made cookies, visited with friends, went to Zumba, read 5 books.....

But compared to what I usually do? That's nuthin'.

And I'm not gonna lie, it felt real good. It hit me in the middle of my fall photo rush that I might have lost the ability to just chill. But I'm happy to report that that isn't the case. My Kindle and I can apparently chill for several hours in a day when I don't have photos to edit. I usually get quite sick this time of year, but I didn't  (except for a little upset tummy on NYE). I took a vacation this time instead of my body forcing one on me. Wow, what a concept. And I completely avoided my computer. Ah...

Anyhooo.... We took the kids - and Molly - to see Tangled on Sat night. Probably everybody has seen Tangled already, but if you haven't, YOU GOTTA SEE IT. It was AWESOME. Disney at it's best. So clever, so heartwarming, so charming....

And of course the horse, Maximus, was my very favorite character. Brilliant. He's what we would call in Parelli, a Left Brain Extrovert. My favorite Horsenality. Toooooo funny.

And another great clip:

Okay, sorry, enough with the Tangled. Oh, I can't resist: one more...

HA! And then he says, "You broke my smolder." Insanely brilliant.

So I hope everybody is having a relaxing, LAZY, 2011 so far. I've sure been enjoying mine.