I really love this one of Mom and Sharon. So sweet.
Yay, the newlyweds!
Brynn and Ally are 7 weeks apart in age - they are like peas and carrots. When I told them that, Brynn said, "I want to be the peas, I only like peas". And then Ally said, "I want to be the peas, I don't like carrots either!" Oh boy.
Sharon was a beautiful bride - this was kind of an impromptu shot while they were greeting their guests, but I love it.
My brother Scott let me take a few fun shots of him.
And this is my other sister Laura with her awesome hubby, Craig - they've been married for 20 years, believe it or not.
Their oldest daughter - beautiful Madison (she's a lot younger than she looks!).
And her big brother Justin, he's 17 - so handsome!
And my big boy, he's so handsome too.

The men.
And the little men. Double trouble: Luke and Nate. They were born 2 days apart. This was taken at the end of the day when these 2 were a little worse for wear. I asked Luke where his boutonniere was and he said he didn't know. And then he said, "But it's okay Mom, you can just copy Nate's flower in Photoshop and put one on my shirt. You'd never know he's the son of someone who spends half her life in the Photo-shop.
One of the best things about weddings is getting to see family and friends that we don't normally get to see. Like one of our very favorite relatives - Aunt Grace.
The cake was made by Mom's good friend Margene. As long as I can remember, we've had flowers in our home that Margene made: framed and dried flower arrangements, toll painted dressers, flower paintings and crafts... it was very fitting that Margene made this cake with all it's handmade flowers on it.
I wonder who first started the tradition of trashing the car? Anybody know? The guys took mercy on the car since it was a rental, but they still had to have their fun.
And here's the couple heading out to catch a plane to Costa Rica - catching their first glimpse of the car.
It was fun, it was busy, it was wonderful, and now, thank goodness, it's OVER. Love you guys! We wish you every single solitary happiness.